This process allows players to unlock up to 165 fields. The player starts with Field G13 unlocked, and unlocks fields in a semi-linear order until reaching the final battle at Field G7. All Fields are marked by co-ordinates from A to M which are Columns, and 1 to 13 which are rows, giving players easy reference to each field. The fields in GemCraft Labyrinth are organized into a 13x13 grid, giving a total of 169 Fields that the player navigates by completing connecting fields or by completing certain conditions to unlock corner fields.

Each of these options provide multipliers towards the field experience, allowing players to replay with higher difficulties for more experience. These include Higher Monster Armor, Faster Monsters, Banished Monsters Heal, Banishment Cost Extra Increase, Waves Getting Tougher Faster, and Shadow Clash. In addition, there are also six additional options that can be turned on and off individually. GemCraft Labyrinth has a total of 8 gem types just like in the previous 2 games, 27 skills with 9 of them only in the Sorcerer's Package, and 30 battle settings with 10 settings exclusive to the Sorcerer's Package.īattle Settings have four different modifications, including Amount of Monsters, Monster Hit Points, Wave Composition, and Number of Waves, all of which have different subsets. This is a one-time fee and is not required to complete the main storyline, but it is mainly for making the game more challenging to get more scores and xp, and in some cases, making the game easier to complete. Labyrinth also takes advantage of having the Sorcerer's Package or formerly, Premium Edition, which allows players to purchase additional skills, skill points, and battle settings for a $4.99 donation. These include battle amulets, summoning, and battle settings selected prior to starting. Instead of scoring based on the number of monsters killed, each field has a set amount of experience that must be increased through various multipliers. The most notable change between Labyrinth and previous GemCraft games is in the scoring system. The colours are just gradiated: Green means more mana. This map (created by Lurlock) shows the mana shard values for each level. In certain levels, there are "mana shards." If you place a gem in range of these shards, they will shoot the shards and give you mana for each shot. Amplifiers are introduced and can be built - gems in amplifiers don't fire but boost the stats of adjacent gems (in towers and traps).You can build shrines at a cost of higher mana, and shrines don't burn out (though they need to be charged/recharged and have limited range).Windows, Mac and Linux versions) in the file giab-old-games.zip All previous versions of GemCraft are now available (as of March 2018) through an official zip package with a standalone standalone Flash Player 29 (released by Adobe on 2018.II.13.Since February 10, 2017, the Premium Edition is available for free on.The gameplay is basically the same as that of GemCraft Chapter 0: Gem of Eternity, but there are some changes that make the gameplay more convenient. The game takes place around the same time as the GemCraft Chapter 1. Flash game GemCraft: Labyrinth, formally known as GemCraft Lost Chapter: Labyrinth, is the third game in the GemCraft Series by GameInABottle, and was released on February 17, 2011.