Zero keeps repeating none of this ever happened, because all their memories are fabrications of the flower.
Fake Memories: Four repeatedly tries to persuade Zero to become the kind sister she used to be when they were children. Dark Action Girl: All of them are very capable physical combatants, with Zero being the strongest. It can sometimes be hard to distinguish between what belongs to One and Zero because their colors match so closely. Color-Coded Characters: Zero is pink, One is red, Two is blue, Three is purple, Four is green, and Five is yellow.
Climax Boss: Each battle against an Intoner, but One's in particular stands out. Their appearances are based off of women that Zero met, including a nun she murdered (Five) and a freedom fighter who was sentenced to death alongside her (One). Cloning Blues: Zero calls them her "copies", as the flower based them on her when it spawned them. Brown Note: The song of the Intoners has the unfortunate side-effect of inducing insanity in mortals, especially if they can no longer hear it. Boss Banter: All of Zero's younger sisters just love to have a nice chat with big sis. and her kindness always destroys her utterly in the end. Two is just about the only one who's honest, compassionate and truly in love with her disciple. Five is the epitome of greed, to the point where she raped a child to satisfy her lust. Three is so obsessed with dolls that she turned living people into dolls. Four loves her sisters and puts up a front of being dutiful and pure, but is in truth a neurotic Jerkass with an inferiority complex who vents her frustration on innocent nonhumans under the guise of bringing them to justice. One is cool and calm, and seeks to protect the world from Zero, but her pride keeps her from accepting Zero even when she accepts the truth (even planning to die herself), and gives into her incestuous feelings towards Brother One. The only Intoner that anyone can really cheer on is Zero, who ends up right in the end, but is still incredibly callous, violent, and temperamental. Black-and-Gray Morality: Really, all of the Intoners have a dark side that makes it really hard to root for any of them when the chips are down.
One, however, has no respect for Zero whatsoever. One because she is the most rational and has generally made it her task to protect her sisters. Zero because she is the eldest and most powerful and because of the Fake Memories the Flower gave them. Big Sister Worship: Two, Three, Four, and Five all respect and look up to both Zero and One for different reasons.At first glance, one might think these are Cherry Blossoms, but they're actually from the "flower" that all of the Intoners are infected with. Battle Aura: Flower petals erupt from them whenever they successfully pull off a combo or enter Intoner Mode.Asshole Victim: As soon as you find out the less savory aspects of their personalities, you suddenly find yourselves rooting for Zero as she kills Three, Four, and Five.They were actually created from the flower when Zero tried to gouge it from her eye years before the start of the game. Artificial Human: The legend they teach is that they were goddesses sent to liberate the people.All Women Are Lustful: This stems from the fact they were born from Zero, who was sold into prostitution when she was alive.Finally, there's Drakengard 3 story side novel, which is the Canon Ending (Branch E) that directly leads to the events of Drakengard 1. There's also downloadable stories and Utahime Five, a prequel manga series that shows One and her sisters' journey to becoming the new rulers. Novellas posted on the official site flesh them out a little. All There in the Manual: The main game doesn't really dwell on their personalities or their lives.Achilles' Heel: Dragon magic, or a weapon forged of dragonbone, is the only certain way to kill them.